学前班英语教案:The car is my toy!

妈咪爱婴网 www.baby611.com 2013年05月11日 23:42:49

  一.活动名称:The car is my toy!

  二.活动目标:1 培养并进一步激发幼儿学习英语的浓厚兴趣

  2 初步认读一些新鲜的英语单词,发音准确



  四.活动内容:car train plane

  1 Greeting(1~2minuts)

  T:Hello kids! Good morning!

  2 Warm up:

  《The sun is up》

  The sun is up, Let's all wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up.

  The sun is shining, the birds are singing, Let's all say good morning.

  3 Presentation(15~20minutes)

  T: Ok! Now close your eyes!(拿出玩具)one two three! Open your eyes!

  S:Wow! Toys!

  T: Yes! It's car. The car is my toy!


  《Paper scissor stone》


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