幼儿园中班英语教案:It’ s……

妈咪爱婴网 www.baby611.com 2011年10月27日 09:15:44

  中班英语教案:It' s……Class : K. Two             Instructor: Xiao DanTime : 20-25 minutes          Place: ……Objectives:





  Teaching aids:盒子或小袋子一个,苹果、橘子实物及各种水果图片若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,餐纸、录音机。



  1、"Good morning, children.""How are you today ?Are you happy today ? How is the weather ?"2、教师与幼儿一边说一边做动作:

  1 2 3  4 4 4             1 2 3    4 4 41 2 3  set up straight       1 2 3   set up straight1 2 3  hands on knees    1 2 3     hands on kneesⅡ.Presentation :

  A、apple。教师把已装有苹果的盒子或袋子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,让幼儿有探索的欲望. (老师动作和神态要夸张、快速而神秘。)T: Look ! what's this ?

  C:… …T: Yes. It's a box . What's in the box ? what's in the box ? Do you know , do you know ? Who want to try , let me try , What's in the box ? Ok, do you want to know ? Who want to try( 作举手状,引导幼儿说Let me try )C : 苹果T : Apple ? Right? Ok?Let's see ,1 2 3 ,Yes It's an apple ,you're right ,you're so clever ,thank you !now follow me , It' s an apple!(反复输入).

  B、orange 教师用餐纸把橘子包起来。T: Hmm!(作闻的动作)The smell is good. 然后拿到幼儿面前:Smell it! 接着问幼儿:What's this?(多问几个人)C:橘子T: Yes. It' s an Orange(同样的教师要用抑扬顿挫的声调反复输入)。

  3、 猜一猜,look and say 教师把两种水果放在身后藏起来,突然拿出,跟幼儿一起说出其名称及颜色,让幼儿有兴奋感。然后选出两名幼儿示范,多做几次。

  Ⅲ.Practice :

  1、以击鼓传花的形式玩音乐传玩具的游戏.Now ,Let's play the game "Pass the toy" . you pass the toy one by one . when the music stop ,you must stop ! Are you ready ? Now , Let's begin .(音乐起)  Stop .Let's see who has the toy ?

  C: XX.

  T: Well ,XX ,come here and take one out. (XX从袋里摸出一张水果卡片)T:what is this ? /what colour is it ? Do you want to eat?(幼儿应该要回答完整句子It's … …) Oh ,you are very good / give a little clap .Now Let'go on . (音乐起,由刚才摸的幼儿继续向下传,到音乐停)Stop .Let's see who has the fruits……(玩法同上,直到老师袋中所有的图片摸完)2、 摘果游戏。先把水果图片贴到大树上,让幼儿摘自己想要的水果(可先请配班老师做示范。教师说I like orange,配班教师摘橘子It' s an orange;教师说I like apple ,配班教师摘苹果It' s an apple,然后请个别幼儿上来摘,并说:Oh , yes, It' s an apple/an orange .Very good ,thank you !

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