[毕业论文] 浅析幼儿教师在教学过程中对幼儿注意力的掌控策略(6)

妈咪爱婴网 www.baby611.com 2012年07月23日 09:33:35




  [2]陈昕.注意力!决定孩子一生的关键[M].电子工业出版社. 2012.01.

  [3]张琳.幼儿园教育活动设计与实践[M].高等教育出版社. 2005.06.


  [5]陈昕.注意力!决定孩子一生的关键[M].电子工业出版社. 2012.01.

  [6] [美]Lisa Burman.汪寒鹭.李艳菊.陈妍.老师你在听吗?--幼儿教育活动中的师幼对话[M].中国轻工业出版社.2010.01.



  Abstract: the Russian educators WuShenSiJi once said a words: "the attention is the study portal." If you don't open the door, people can't study, also can't acquire knowledge and skills. Offers for children, from childhood good attention habit is important! And to have self-control of the characteristics of the poor for all children, teachers' guide is even more important. Teachers' professional education literacy is engaged in preschool education work each essential, preschool teachers in teaching process to the children's attention control is a very deep knowledge, but also test the professional quality of teachers, such modern teacher there exist activity design, lack of innovation, teacher's views on children was associated some deformity, knowledge reserve such problems. Therefore, the teacher how to correct his attitude, in what way improving, how to improve your skills, in the process of teaching how to fully attract every child's attention, is each preschool teachers should explore important issue.

  Keywords: children's attention, teachers design activities, teachers' teaching

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